World Canine Freestyle Organization
Promoting the Joys and Fun of Responsible Pet Ownership Through Musical Canine Freestyle
About Us
We are a a non-profit corporation, founded to globally promote the joys and fun of responsible pet ownership through musical canine freestyle, both as a sport and an entertainment medium.
Competitions and Events
Mission Statement
WCFO, INC. is a non-profit corporation, founded to globally promote the joys and fun of responsible pet ownership through musical canine freestyle, both as a sport and an entertainment medium.
Goals and Status
To ensure that there will always be an immediate response to members inquires by financially supporting communication avenues to include mailing address, telephone, fax and email address as well as a website.
To ensure that members receive promised materials supplied by WCFO, such as receipt for dues, membership notifications for renewals, newsletters, membership materials, entry forms, videos, releases, collateral materials, premiums, and awards in a timely manner.
To support member non-profit associations/clubs either already in existence or formed for the specific purpose of holding a WCFO qualifying freestyle event, promoting WCFO freestyle, holding WCFO seminars/workshops or presenting WCFO demos. Support shall include information materials, event scoring, entry forms, music releases, public relations, event insurance payments, and financial and promotional sponsorship where available.
To support the growth of freestyle on a global basis by funding the dispensing of information, videos and collateral materials, giving seminars/workshops, visiting countries/sending members.
To support and fund the seeking of liaisons with other organizations globally to create international titling and non-titling events.
Conduct the following events globally:
Demos, workshops, training seminars promoting WCFO canine freestyle which will include “heelwork to music” and “musical freestyle” formats.
Hold WCFO Sanctioned Meets (titling) and Fun Meets (non-titling).
Hold WCFO Sanctioned/Titling Competitions.
Ultimately build to support 9 Regionals, 2 Nationals and 1 World Event each year.
Coordinate, judge and govern VIDEO competitions between countries with or without quarantine laws
Work to develop and support a children’s program including 4-H Clubs, school programs, and Junior divisions.
Respond to the voice of the membership and develop events, rules and guidelines, judge sanctioning, etc. either singularly and/or with other internationally recognized sanctioning and titling organizations.
Execute a Global Certified Progressive Proficiency Level Testing Program for all canine freestyle dogs.