The most important thing to do to host an event is to receive approval for your event from the WCFO Board of Directors.

Download and complete the Event Application.
Email the Event Application to Anna Schloff.
Select a show site with enough room to host a ring size with a minimum of 1,200 square feet, with the shortest side no less than 30 feet and longest side no more than 80 feet. There should be enough room next to the ring along the long side for the judge’s table, as well as the sound system and computer.
There must be adequate crating area for dogs, changing area and/or restrooms and a warm-up area.
An area for spectators is optional but desirable.
Exercise area for dog with disposal materials.
Select a date and possible alternate date.
Determine whether to have limited or unlimited entries (entry limit is 35 per judge).
Opening date is 12 weeks before closing date. Closing date is between 4-6 weeks before event. No entries are accepted after closing date. (If entries are lower than expected, see rules for Day of Show entries if decided by show host club.)
Post form of music accepted (CD, MP3 etc.) and where to send music link.
Post if food available at show site.
If a judge has not reached the limit of 35 entires, day of show entries are accepted with completed entry form and full payment.
VIDEO EVENTS: Provide deadline for sending link and address to send it.
Both Live and Video Judges must be approved by the WCFO Judge Advocate.
For the USA Events: Anna Schloff
For other WCFO Events: Kathy Clayton
Entry limit for one Judge is 35 entries for regular and video WCFO Titling Events.
A three-judge panel is required for WCFO National and International Events.
Host Clubs are responsible for all judges’ expenses.
Keep your judges updated on their travel arrangements, hotel, schedules etc. Judges should have their plans at least 2 weeks before the event. A nice thank you and judges’ gift is optional but appreciated because they donate their time to travel to your event.
For both Live and Video events, all scoresheets should be filled out for Judges with name of event, date, division etc.
Show Chairman will be sent entries and exhibitor list from Entry Chairman Una Meier.
Both Live and Video, 2-3 weeks before event, send order for the following to Anna Schloff
Scoresheets with total needed of Beginner, Advanced, Skits and Canine Cabaret.
Awards including total 1st,2nd, 3rdplace medals, and Qualifying Ribbons needed. Add the address of where to be sent. (You will also receive a High Artistic and High Technical Trophy.)
Send out a welcome letter to your exhibitors with information to include schedule, address of show, motels that take dogs, crating, and directions. Include food availability and cost.
Both Live and Video: Set up the excel scoring system (get from WCFO). Put together your program and schedule (Exhibitor numbers on Excel Scoring system).
Both Live and Video: A check from WCFO for half of your fee will be sent to you with the awards and scoresheets, according to WCFO ruling effective January 1, 2024.
Both Live and Video: Send the following to Anna Schloff 10063 Hunt Drive, Davison Mi 48423 within 10 days after event. This ensures the final reconciliation of information coming from the event and that title records are current for exhibitors.
white judge sheets and any extra awards
Excel Scores of exhibitors
Day of Show entries including entry forms and monies
Both Live and Video: A check from WCFO for other half of fees to include any day of show entries will be sent when the above items have been received.
Show Chairman
Secretary (program)
Scorekeeper (score system is excel)
Music person
Judge Assistant/Scorekeeper assistant
2 timers
Ring Stewards (2 on duty for each routine)
Awards Chairman
Raffle Chairman (if needed)
Welcome table (exhibitor packs etc.)
Sales table or venders (if needed)
Ring gating
Safe flooring
Computer for scoring /printer/paper
Player or Computer for music/Speaker/Microphone
Copy of National Anthem and Dogs Prayer
Tables/chairs for Judges, Music, Announcer/Scorekeeper
Chairs for audience
Practice Ring