Proficiency Tests

The WCFO, INC Proficiency Tests have been created to give canine freestylers an opportunity to continually train and test to achieve a standard of excellence in the development of their abilities no matter where they are or whenever they are ready. The tests are designed by the Advisory Board of WCFO, INC and invited freestyle, obedience, dance and skating experts. Each may be judged by a member of the test designing team or a top freestyler from one’s own country who has achieved all the available test levels to date.

Due to the differences in acceptable heelwork positions in different countries, tests will be judged according to the hell position demonstrated within the first 15 seconds of the routine.

The tests may be taken live when being given at an event or by video submitted to WCFO, INC at any time during the year.

Everyone is eligible to take the Bronze Bar level tests. You do not have to be a member of WCFO, INC to take the tests.

Wherever possible, the tests are designed to give options to the consideration of the size of the dog.

You must achieve a passing score to continue to the next level, Bronze Medal. Upon achievement of the Bronze level, a team may proceed to the Silver and then Gold levels.

If tests are conducted at an event, the judge will speak with you and give a critique and recommendations immediately after they finish scoring your test. You will know the results of your test immediately.

If tests are conducted via video, your test will be sent to the named judge for scoring and comments. Upon completion, it will be sent to WCFO, INC for recording and you will be notified by phone, email or post of the results.

The judge’s comments along with a way to reach him/her will be included.

Titles and awards will be granted. Bar pin for Bar tests and Medal for Medal tests with color Certificates of Achievement for all levels.

Each awarded team will be certified with a recording number. WCFO, INC will track titling of each dog and handler. Titles apply to actual team taking the test. You cannot take Bronze Bar with one dog and go on to take Bronze Medal with another dog. It is the TEAM to which the title is granted that has the right to proceed to the next level. Tests are issued to a single dog and single handler and are for the life of the dog/handler. Tests are not transferable for any reason.

Proficiency test will be conducted on a pass or retry basis. If you are not successful you may re-apply to take each test whenever you like. You may take a test as many times as you prefer. These tests were not designed for a team to accumulate titles, but to be worked for diligently and earned against a standard of perfection as designated by the governing body of WCFO, INC. These tests represent the standards the organization sets for itself at certain levels of expertise.

Canine freestyle teams must apply for the test by email or snail mail by sending a written request that includes the name of the test, whether live or video, Heelwork-To-Music or Musical Freestyle, the name and breed of the dog and payment in full by check or credit card (Mastercard or Visa) in US$ to WCFO. Cost is the same for tests worldwide: $62.50 per test. Proficiency tests have no expiration and the testee can try as many times as they like to pass the test. The cost for one person to apply to take the same proficiency test for more than one personally owned dog will be as follows. First dog $62.50 Second dog $40.00 Third dog $30 Application must be made for same test for all dogs at the same time.

Tests may be taken at different times, either live or by video. For example: first dog may take the test live in April, second dog may take the test live in September, third dog may take the test by video in August.

There is no time limit, once an application has been accepted, for taking a video test.

Titles will be granted and announced at the time of passing the test by each dog. Certificates, bars and medals will be sent as each dogs have completed their tests and passed.

To request a test(s) contact Anna Schloff

 WCFO Bronze Bar/Medal Proficiency Tests


Packet Contents: Full description of test rules and regulations.

Requirements of Tests

Special Judging Information

WCFO Bronze Bar Heelwork-To-Music Test

This test follows the exact guideline rules of WCFO, INC for Heelwork-To-Music
The required moves are,

All moves are explained in detail in the test along with the amount of times each move must be executed. Full judging and scoring information is also listed. Test must be taken in costume. Test will be performed on leash.

WCFO Bronze Bar Musical Freestyle Test

This test follows the exact guideline rules of WCFO, INC for Musical Freestyle
The required moves are,

5a is an alternate move for teams for whom weaving is physically impossible. For example if you had a Great Dane.

WCFO Bronze Medal Heelwork-To-Music Test

This test follows the exact guideline rules of WCFO, INC for Heelwork-To-Music

All moves are explained in detail in the test along with the amount of times each move must be executed. Full judging and scoring information is also listed. Test must be taken in costume. Test will be performed on leash.

WCFO Bronze Medal Musical Freestyle Test

This test follows the exact guideline rules of WCFO, INC for Musical Freestyle

All moves are explained in detail in the test along with the amount of times each move must be executed. Full judging and scoring information is also listed. Test must be taken in costume. Test will be performed on leash.