Canine Cabaret

Canine Cabaret performs tricks to music starting at a beginner level and progressing to the PTP or Perfect Trick Partner title performance level.

The Goal of Canine Cabaret is to develop the performance team utilizing tricks performed to music.

At each level, tricks to be performed will be identified prior to the performance on the judging sheet and presented to the judge for their review of the performance.  The music selected will support the choice of tricks.  The overall goal of the Canine Cabaret is to showcase a bonded team, working well with each other and a dog that is happy to be in the ring performing with their human partner.  Tricks are completed with 1-3 cues per trick depending on the level of the title performance.  A cue is a verbal and/or hand signal used to cue the behavior of the dog.

As the team develops, the goal is to help prepare the team for further competitive WCFO events such as Musical Freestyle, Heelwork to music, skits, and Proficiency Testing.  Focus, attention, teamwork and a happy performing dog are key to each Canine Cabaret Level of competition.  The dog should remain a connected, focused member of the team between the completion of each trick.

As the team moves up in Canine Cabaret, the Cues become more artistic and choreographed in appearance.  The music supports the tricks and tricks flow with the music selected.

A title is earned per each level upon a successful qualifying scored performance at a WCFO judged event.  This can be a live event, a show virtual event, or a Stay-at-Home Video entry.

Competitors will earn their title after one qualifying score per each competitive level.   The levels are as listed with the number of tricks and the music time in which they are to be performed.  Please note music times may be 15 seconds over or under the set time.  Each level will have a list of tricks that that competitor may choose from to perform.  As the team progresses to higher title levels, the handler has the option to choose their own tricks in addition to those listed for that competitive level.  Each level must complete the number of tricks within the number of cues specified within the competitive level.  The team will also receive an artistic score in order to quality.  That score is also based on the competitive level of the team.  Trick content is a Q or NQ based on the number of tricks required and number of cues allowed per behavior.  Artistic score is based on criteria for each competitive level.

Beginner on or off leash

Novice off leash

Intermediate Off Leash

Advanced off leash

Perfect Trick Partner (PTP)

Trick levels to be included

There will be a total of ten transition moves used within the total performance between the tricks that support the flow of the music. The handler may choose from the below list for transition moves:

Leg weaves                                             mutual spins dog and handler       back of handler

Spin circle change sides                       circle handler change sides            dog back through and turn.

Back up call dog into new trick           left about turn.

Switch sides                                            front to back.

Switch direction                                     front of handler


The Tricks and transition moves will be listed on the judge’s form and presented to the judge prior to performance.

Trick performance will showcase a connected team working together and utilizing 25 tricks and 10 transition moves to music.